商用英文導讀 – North Korea’s missile programme


文章名稱:North Korea’s missile programme


文章連結: http://bbc.in/2tPJ8Dy


大意:朝鮮於7月4號成功發射洲際彈道導彈 (ICBM),聲稱射程可達美國本土,而經美國科學家研究後證實射程涵蓋阿拉斯加全省。


Police have discovered an arsenal of guns and ammunition in a London house.


Last month Putin decided to retire silo-housed intercontinental ballistic missiles as their service lives expire.


Apple watch essentially miniaturizes an entire computer system.


When Mary sprained her ankles, John piggybacked her to the doctors.


The bomb was designed to be detonated by a mobile phone.


It was a decoy to hide the fact that they were also killing members of the political opposition.